Hello readers!

Do you know that belly fat is the most harmful type of fat present in the body as it gives rise to cascade of problems.

Let us understand why there is so much of mental discomfort attached to belly fat.

The fat that builds up in your belly is called visceral fat which it gets accumulated between the spaces and around viscera (organs such as stomach and intestines). This visceral fat results in toxins that totally derail your resistance and immunity triggering multiple diseases. Cytokines are the toxic chemicals that arise out of visceral fat making you vulnerable to heart diseases and less sensitive to insulin leading to diabetes. 

Insulin is a crucial hormone that is required by the body to burn energy. As it loses it power, the body starts pumping out more of this hormone which puts your body at risk of being diabetic. When insulin loses its power, the body responds by pumping out more of the hormone. Diabetes and heart diseases are two major ailments due to belly fat.

Remember the thumb rule, Women with waist circumference of greater than 35 inches and men with waist circumference of greater than 40 inches are the first victims.
If you can scissor the fat in the midsection, you will welcome a fairly healthy future by warding off the health problems associated with belly fat.
The fact which most of us are unaware of, is even if you manage to lose about 5-10% of your body weight, you can reduce belly fat by about 30%.
Here I give you 5 simple proven tips to reduce your belly fat. I managed to lose about 3-4 inches of the excess belly fat.

      1) Start your day with warm lemon juice.
I already mentioned this in my first article on blogger. You can read it again.


     2) Start your day with 5-10 minutes of planks. You may begin doing for 5 minutes of 15-30 seconds with breaks in between and extend gradually. You may visit google on how to do them.

     3)20 minutes of brisk walk preferably in the morning else try to fit in your daily schedule at your convenience.

      4)Warm water throughout the day. Keep a flask of warm water with you. Instead of cold water or water at room temperature, switch over to warm water. It will show you miracles.

       5)Dinner by 8PM. I know this is the toughest of the 5 but try as much as possible on maximum days.

 These are perfectly simple and easiest tips to see a visible difference.
 A perfectly flat stomach may not be within your reach, but a healthier body certainly is(~quoted).


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